Monument Signs

A monument sign is a low profile sign that is used to display a building address and name, identify the building tenants, or to mark the building entrance. They can be designed to match the building for a uniform look of the surrounding environment, or they can be designed to reflect the branding of the company.

Channel Letter

Channel letters are made of plastic or metal and used as exterior signage on commercial or public buildings. They are often lit internally. Unlit 3D letters are also applied to panels and called dimensional letters.

Reverse Channel
Reverse Channel Letter

Reverse channel or Halo lit channel letters, are where the individual letters light from the back of the letter and shine onto the wall behind. This provides a great ambiance with a softer glow without being too overpowering.

Blade Sign

A blade sign is a type of projecting sign mounted on a building facade or storefront pole or attached to a surface perpendicular to the normal flow of traffic. These signs are one of the most effective way of attracting foot traffic into your establishment.

Box Sign

A box sign is a traditional, but cost-effective platform for a company logo or wayfinding signs. The LED-illuminated sign box can be manufactured from several different materials, and it can be either one or two-sided.

Other Sign

Any sign personalized by the customer. This can be taken from a picture or custom design. Useful for parties, entrances, bars, etc...

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